Offline or Invisible?
An article on how to know whether a Yahoo! Messenger user is really offline or in "invisible" mode
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Do you want to view the Message Archive (Conversation Log) without logging in? Or recover saved passwords? With Yahoo Message Archive Decoder, you can view any Message Archive of anyone who uses your computer*, without knowing their password! Go to this page to find out more, or just download it now! The Message Archives are stored in the disk as .dat files, which is encoded/encrypted. This program can decode/decrypt the file to human-readable pages. The Yahoo! Messenger doesn't allow you to view the message archive without logging in to the account first. |
Testimonials: “I like your method. Its working for me :)” -- Nanda “It helps me out to find my friends really logged out or just masked.” -- Shivaprabhu “I like this page and your webpage is invaluable ... keep it up!” -- Vikas When a user seems offline, in fact he/she may be online but with Invisible status (avoiding you?), but Yahoo! Messenger will show him/her as offline (the gray face icon). Then, how do you know whether he/she is offline or online? Just follow these simple steps carefully. It's really simple. Just choose one (or get paid by clicking):
Note: if you clicked the links above but nothing happened, your browser might not support the newer DOM (Document Object Model). Please upgrade your browser a newer browser such as (no, there is no adware nor spyware. That is just a better browser). Sorry for the problem! |
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Yahoo! Messenger version 5, 6, 7: to check if people are in invisible mode, inform you whether someone in buddy list are in invisible status, detect person who is in appear offline state, all using YM without use of any other program or software. This page explain how to know a friend is offline, online, invisible, busy status (maybe), out of office, etc. Crack, hack, booter, and the such things are not needed here. Cracks, hacks, booters are all not useful in determining the true / actual status. To determine the real status, just follow the step by step instructions. Each instruction is provided with a screen shot (or is it screenshot). Without detect but can also. Softwares or patch is not necessary at all. Yahoo! Messenger seeing person in invisible modes, informing, and informs you whether somebody on buddies listing are in invisible / appear offline state, detecting person which is in appearing offline / disconnected states, not connected, all only using YM without using any others programs or softwares, the detection is very easy. There are online checker program for Yahoo Messenger. Remotely, in remote, these pages explains how knowing friends are offline, online, invisible, busy status (maybe), out of office, etc. Cracking, hacking, booting, and the such things are not needed here. Crackz, hackz, tricks, are all not useful to determine the real / updated status. To determine the the real status, just follow the step by step instructions. Software or patches is not required at all. Invisible ink? Where?